Ayushya Mantralay Ayurvedic Kadha Distribution to Village Tilwani

Due to increased symptoms of corona On behalf of Rotary Club of Ichalkaranji and Rotary Welfare Trust, AYUSH Kadha was distributed to Tilvani villagers to increase their immunity. 4000 people took advantage of this. Rotary President Abhay Yalrute, Secretary Deepak Ningudgekar, Ro Pankaj Kothari, Ro, Vasant Patil and Ro Ravi Nakil as well as Sarpanch of Tilvani Mrs. Chavan, Deputy Sarpanch Mr. Kadam, Gram Sevak and villagers were present on this occasion. Mr. Kashid Sir of his deaf and dumb school made a lot of efforts to distribute this Kadha and distributed it himself from house to house. Cost of Project – 12000